Ten Reading Room group study rooms and one group study room in the Lower Level of the Commons are available for reservation. The Reading Room study rooms are 300B, 300C, 300D, 300E, 300F, 300G, 300H, 300J, 300K, and 300L off the main area. These study rooms have the same restrictions as the Reading Room (no food, drinks only). The group study room in the Lower Level of the Commons is Hutchins B60B. Please note that tables cannot be moved.
Each of the group study rooms features seating and tables, as well as wireless access. The Reading Room group study rooms also have television monitors.
Only law students may reserve and use these rooms.
Reading Room GSRs are for use by students with appointments only from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Group study rooms are for groups of two or more. They are not meant to be used as personal, individual study spaces.
You must use your email address to make a reservation
Individuals can reserve a maximum of two hours (two 60-minute time slots) in any given day; the two 60-minute time slots MUST be consecutive
Reservations will be confirmed by email
Please be courteous and respect others' reservations
Reservations are necessary to assure room availability; those using an unreserved room must forfeit it to someone who reserves it for the same time period
Group Study Rooms located in the Reading Room can only be opened with your MCard; Reading Room desk staff are not able to open these rooms for you
You MUST leave the group study room when your reservation ends
Do NOT leave personal belongings in group study rooms