Answered By: Kate Britt
Last Updated: Feb 22, 2022     Views: 8

Congressional Committee Prints are publications issued by Congressional Committees that include topics related to their legislative or research activities, as well as other matters such as memorial tributes. The prints are an excellent resource for statistical and historical information and for legislative analysis.

The subjects of the Committee Prints vary greatly due to the different concerns and actions of each committee. Some basic categories of Congressional Committee Prints are: draft reports and bills, directories, statistical materials, investigative reports, historical reports, situational studies, confidential staff reports, hearings, and legislative analyses.

ProQuest Congressional

  • Committee Prints & Misc. Publications 1817-Present

HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents

  • Congressional Prints 1914-Present.

FDsys - Government Publications.

  • Congressional Committee Prints for the 104th Congress (1997-98) forward.

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