Answered By: Kate Britt
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2018     Views: 27

Constitutions of the Countries of the World (Ref Coll  K 3157 .A2 B58x)

  • Full-text, integrated versions of 192 country constitutions, translated into English by constitutional scholars familiar with the legal systems, judicial language, and official language of the foreign jurisdictions they cover.
  • Looseleaf pages are updated regularly.

Constitutions of Dependencies and Territories (Ref Coll  K 3157 .E5 C6512x)

  • English translations of 144 constitutions of dependencies and territories with detailed analysis of major constitutional documents and amendments.
  • Looseleaf pages are updated regularly.

HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated

  • Current and historical constitutions, fundamental laws, commentaries, scholarly articles, and bibliographies of select constitutional works.
  • Online PDF


  • Interactive access to the world's constitutions, built for users to compare across a broad set of topics.
  • Website updates to include nearly every independent state in the world as the texts are amended or replaced.

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