ABA Formal Opinions (1924- present) & Informal Opinions (1945- present):
Opinions of the Committee on Professional Ethics: with the Canons of professional ethics, annotated, and Canons of judicial ethics, annotated (Smith/Annex KF 305. A2 1967) includes texts of formal opinions no. 1 -315 (1924-1966)
Informal ethics opinions (Smith KF305 .A2 1975) 2-vol. set that contains texts of informal opinions C-230a – 1284 (1961-1973)
Formal and Informal Ethics Opinions: Formal opinions 316-348, informal opinions 1285-1495 (Smith/Annex KF 305 .A2 1985a) includes texts of formal opinions 1967-1982 and informal opinions 1974 to 1982.