Answered By: Kate Britt Last Updated: Mar 22, 2022 Views: 9
Answered By: Kate Britt
Last Updated: Mar 22, 2022 Views: 9
Presidential Executive Orders
- Presidential Executive Orders can be found in CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Title 3. Earlier editions of Title 3 are kept with the current CFR sets in Smith and Ref Coll.
- Executive Order for every president since Clinton (1994-) is available on the Federal Register's website.
- Older Presidential Executive Orders (1862-1938) are also available at HeinOnline’s U.S. Presidential Library database.
- Executive Orders and Proclamations of the current White House administration are available at the White House website.
Michigan Executive Orders
In Michigan, Executive Orders are orders made by Michigan’s governor.
- There are two kinds of Executive Orders:
- Executive Reorganization Orders re-assign functions throughout the executive branch of Michigan’s government. They have the force of law unless rejected by the legislature within 60 days of the governor’s signature and seal.
- Other Executive Orders do not have the force of law. They are used primarily for special projects and to “establish Boards or Commissions prescribed by federal or state law.”
- Executive Orders of the current administration are available on the State of Michigan's website.
- Executive Orders from previous governors' administrations are also available, organized by governor (2001-) on the page Former Governors of Michigan.
Library Resources
- The law library carries Executive Orders and Executive Reorganization Orders (Smith KFM4234 .A2 M54x) from 1973-2009.
- Note that Executive Reorganization Orders are not clearly marked in this set. In the MLaw Library Catalog, title is “Executive Order,” and author is “Michigan. Governor.”
- The Michigan Register (Smith KFM 4236 .M53x) contains both Executive Orders and Executive Reorganization Orders.
- Executive Reorganization Orders are printed in Michigan Compiled Laws (Smith KFM4230 1999 .A47 1999x) and Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated (MCLA) (Smith & Ref Coll KFM 4230 1948 .A44).
- For both sources, look in the index under “Governor,” then look under the sub-topic “Executive Orders.”
- MCLA has copies of the most recent Executive Orders. Once the softbound pamphlets are discarded, however, the replacement volumes will not contain executive orders.
Government Resources
- Executive Orders are available free to download from
- Executive Reorganization Orders can also be obtained as part of the Michigan Compiled Laws on the Michigan Legislature website.
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