The U.S. General Accountability Office (GAO or G.A.O.) is an independent agency that performs special audits, surveys, investigations, and evaluations of federal programs. The GAO's findings and recommendations are published as a "Report to Congress," often referred to as GAO Reports.
All publicly released GAO reports, beginning with FY 1975, are available on the GAO website.
The Law Library collects select GAO reports in print.
Pre-1980 -- Reports are cataloged individually and can be searched by title in the MLaw Library Catalog.
1980-2000 -- Select GAO reports are on fiche (MICRO 10-S211). To access reports on fiche, you need to know the GAO report number. To find this number, use these aids:
GAO Documents Monthly with an annual index. Ceased publication in 1988. 1983-1988 in (REF COLL HJ9802 .U543x).