A continuously increasing body of international law emanates from international and regional organizations, particularly intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations and INTERPOL.
Print Resources
Basic Reference Sources of International Organizations
CALI (the Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction)
Has several lessons related to international (or “intergovernmental”) organizations.
Search for “international organizations” to find the lessons titled “Intergovernmental Organizations & Non-Governmental Organizations,” “Regional International Organizations,” and “United Nations Research.”
Visit the library page, navigate to the dropdown menu under “Research guides,” and select “International Organizations.”
Links to Primary Law and Official Documents
GlobaLex: Electronic legal publication dedicated to international and foreign law research. Includes extensive research guides on international organizations under "international law research."
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law: Online encyclopedia with thousands of articles that are written by experts, peer-reviewed, and edited by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law.
Browse the Law Library's E-resources by Subject for a listing of related links to official documents, news, and other sources