The Uniform Law Commission (aka ULC or National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws) drafts model legislation for state legislatures to consider enacting. The focus of ULC acts include commercial law, family and domestic relations law, estates, probate and trusts, real estate, and alternate dispute resolution. The Uniform Commercial Code and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act are two well-known ULC productions.
Finding Model Acts
The Uniform Laws Annotated (Ref Coll KF 165 .A5 1968) contains the text of the major uniform laws. It is updated via pocket parts.
Some individually published drafts and passed model acts are available in the collection, especially major acts (like the Uniform Probate Code). Search for them in the MLaw Library Catalog.
The ULC website includes a page for each model act which includes final versions, legislative information and tracking, drafting histories, and maps of where the act has been enacted.