Answered By: Kate Britt
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2022     Views: 140

For direct links to many major news sources, see our guide to Finding and Retrieving Materials on Campus.

Electronic Resources

  • Nexis Uni includes full text of over 13,000 newspapers and magazines around the world from 1980 to present.
  • Factiva is a searchable database offering full-text articles from over 6,000 trade publications, newspapers, newswires, and magazines, as well as company and industry financial data and news stories. It is one of the few sources that includes access to the Wall Street Journal.
  • Access World News (of NewsBank) is a searchable database of over 9,000 sources from over 164 countries, including print and online-only newspapers, blogs, newswires, journals, broadcast transcripts and videos.
  • PressReader provides full-page, current access to thousands of newspapers from around the world.
  • ProQuest News and Current Events provides access to several news databases from ProQuest, which include business news, historical newspapers, ethnic and alternative newspapers.
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers gives full-text searchable access to the complete backfiles of eleven U.S. and two U.K. newspapers.


The campus libraries collect recent issues (usually the last few months) of some papers in print. Older issues are kept on microfilm, viewable using digital scanners. Note: during the COVID-19 pandemic, these print resources may not be available. See the University Library's website for the most current information on their access policies.

  • Search U-M Library Search for the newspaper title to see what we have, regardless of format.
    • This search shows every database with "newspaper" in the title
    • This search shows every item in the format of "newspaper"
  • This research guide on News Sources outlines the dozens of resources for finding current, international, and historical newspapers.

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