Extraterritoriality was established between the U.S. and China in 1844 and abolished in 1943.
The U.S. Court for China was established in 1906, with headquarters in Shanghai and the power to sit wherever there was a U.S. consulate in China. The U.S. Court for China applied U.S. laws to American citizens in China.
The decisions of the United States Court for China were compiled in Extraterritorial Cases (AnnexKZ946 .U53 1920x).
For more information about extraterritoriality between the U.S. and China, the jurisdiction of the United States Court for China, see Alice I. Youmans, Joan S. Howland, and Myra K. Saunders, "Questions & Answers," 82 Law Libr. J. 4, 633 (1990) or Michael E. Gehringer, "Questions & Answers," 74 Law Libr. J. 2, 502 (1981) (Annex Journals K 12 .A8835x and HeinOnline).