Answered By: Kate Britt
Last Updated: Feb 07, 2022     Views: 68

Publications of the University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 1859-​

This collection ( includes published books, articles, book chapters, essays, introductions, forewords, and book reviews written or edited by the University of Michigan Law faculty from 2010 onward.

This bibliography contains citations to published and forthcoming materials, with a link to the full text where available. Search or browse by year or faculty name.

To see a full list of works by previous Michigan Law faculty, visit:

Michigan Law Scholarship Repository

The Law Library maintains the Michigan Law Scholarship Repository at Members of the faculty governing body may have their works included in the Faculty Scholarship collection. Publications of Michigan Law journals, SJDs, law librarians, and research scholars are also included.

The Repository contains full-text PDF versions of included material. Search or browse by author, subject, title, or collection.

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