Answered By: Kate Britt
Last Updated: Oct 02, 2019     Views: 617

Your Westlaw account may be defaulting to Natural Language Searching, even if you have used certain boolean terms and connectors or quoted phrases. To default to boolean (or "terms and connectors") searching when you use AND, OR, & or quoted phrases, follow these steps:

  1. On your Westlaw homepage, click the profile icon.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Choose Search from the left sidebar.
  4. Under "Always run these as Terms and Connectors searches," make sure the box next to "Searches containing AND, OR, & or quoted phrases" is checked.
  5. Click Save.

For more information about Boolean searching in Westlaw, click "Search Tips" under the search bar. Schedule a research consultation with a reference librarian for more personalized search help.


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