Answered By: Seth Quidachay-Swan
Last Updated: Jun 02, 2022     Views: 33

The main university library system is available for law students, faculty, and staff use. To learn more about their borrowing and delivery policies, please visit their website: 

For more information on how to locate and obtain various physical and digital materials using the Law Library and the University of Michigan Libraries, see our library guide Finding and Retrieving Materials on Campus. Please note that the most up-to-date information will be on individual libraries' websites.

Requesting Scans

Michigan Law students can request scans from the University Library. To request a scan, follow the steps below:

  1. Find the catalog record for the item you're looking for using Search
  2. Look for the "Available At" section at the bottom of the page, and click the "Get This" link for the item you're hoping to request a scan of.
  3. Text saying "How would you like to get this item?" will appear a blue "Log In to view Request Options" button will appear.
  4. Log in, then select "Request to have a small portion scanned" from the options and click the blue "place request" button.
  5. Enter in the information for the section you need scanned.

Some tips:

  • For the Volume (Required) field, if it's the only book in a series, type "1" in the field
  • If it's a chapter of a book, put the chapter title in the "article title" field. 
  • If you don't know the exact page range you need, put the page number the section begins on and a dash. If you don't know that page number either, put the article title or section heading.
  • Add a note to include corresponding footnotes/endnotes if you have them.

The scans are usually delivered within 1-3 business days. Reach out to the University Library's ILL department for more information.

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