Answered By: Jessica Pasquale
Last Updated: Mar 22, 2022     Views: 75

There are several things that might be preventing your access to an electronic resource. Go through each of these sections to determine what's going on. 

UMich Status

  • Law Library subscription resources may be limited to all Michigan students/employees or just to current Michigan Law students/employees. 
  • If you have any questions about what resources you are eligible to access, please contact

Click through the Law Library link.

  • The links in our catalog and on our web pages are specifically designed to direct users through our proxy servers and offer the best chance of access.
  • Instead of finding the resource through Google, find it in our catalog and click through to make use of proxy access.

Use the VPN.

Check for a problem with your browser with the following steps:

  • Switch to a different browser (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari)
  • Clear your cache and cookies. This is usually found in the Settings or Advanced Settings area of your browser.
  • Try using the "incognito" or "private browsing" mode of your browser.

If you are ON CAMPUS 

  • First, try using the Law School VPN (above) to access the resource. 
  • If that still does not work, email with your issue. Include what browser you are using and screenshots of the error, if possible.

If you are OFF CAMPUS 

  1. First, try using the Law School VPN (above) to access the resource. 
  2. Sign in through the Off Campus Login before searching for a resource.
  3. If you have done that and still are unable to access a resource, please submit a request to lawlib-eresoutages. Include what browser you are using and screenshots of the error, if possible.

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